Monday, November 16, 2009

Precious Photos------US Presidents's visit to China!

American President Obama is now visiting China now! Here I'd like to show you some precious photos that US presidents' visit to China! Hope you'd like it!
American Presidents' Visit to China started with Richard Milhous Nixon,the 37th President of the US.Thanks to his endeavor,most US presidents following Nixon visited China in their presidential position,excluding President Carter,who visited China for 8 times since he

President Nixon with Chairman Mao Zedong!

President Nixon visiting China

President Nixon with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai

President Ford with Deng Xiaoping

Elizabeth Bloomer Warren in Beijing with dancers

Ronald Reagan visiting the Great Wall 

Ronald Reagan visiting the Terra Cotta Warriors!

Jimmy Carter visiting China

Jimmy Carter in Beijing

George Bush in Beijing

President Bush rode bicycle in China

Bush visiting local church

President Clinton visiting the Great Wall

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